Exciting updates from Roadchef
At Silver Arrow Recruitment we take the well being of our drivers very seriously. One subject that is always being brought up is roadside facilities – and there are

The move towards zero-emission engines for trucks is indeed commendable, but it highlights a significant issue: who will maintain and repair these advanced vehicles? At Silver Arrow Recruitment it is

Is summer here to stay? Some tips for driving in the heat
Might be a bit optomistic that summer is coming, but at Silver Arrow Recruitment we always take care to make sure our drivers are happy, healthy and safe. Always

New cameras will detect drivers breaking the law
AI is not only going to be a massive part of all of our childrens lives – it is already a big part of ours! At Silver Arrow Recruitment

DVS updates October 2024 – is your fleet ready?
After operating for 100 years, our parent company Brit European Transport is accutely aware of how things can change in our idustry, and the importance of keeping up to date.

Over 2.5 million drivers caught speeding
At Silver Arrow Recruitment we know how important it is for our clients that the drivers we provide are of the highest standard. This article explores why our pre-registration checks

New online station HGV Radio launches for haulage industry
HGV Radio, a new online station backed by Truckfest, is to launch for truckers. It can be heard via the HGV Radio app, which is available HGVradio.com, and the Mytuner

One for the road? You may be surprised how others view drinking and driving…
In a survey that will send shockwaves through the road safety sector, more than a quarter (27%) of drivers think there are circumstances when it’s OK to drive under the

International Women’s Day 8th March 2024 – Women in Recruitment
On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the invaluable contributions of women in the recruitment industry, particularly here at Silver Arrow! More women are assuming leadership roles, shaping strategies, and driving

HGV driving – there’s a lot more to it than some people may think!
We all face challenges in this modern world, but sometimes it is easy to forget exactly how highly pressurised being an HGV driver can be. Here are just some of

World Diabetes Day 2023 – Diabetes and the HGV Driver
Every year on 14th November, World Diabetes Day is observed. The objective is to raise awareness around diabetes and promote support for sufferers around the world. In 2023 the focus

Meet the Boss – a chat with Graham Lackey, CEO of Brit European Transport
Ever wanted to know what inspires the inspiring? What makes our industry leaders get out of bed in the morning? From “Carex” to Car transporters; from an innovative green operating